I like to think I’ve taught Nemo a lot, but I know for sure I’ve learned many lessons from him. These are only a few: Food is good. It is to be enjoyed without guilt or worry about calories. Relaxation fuels the body, mind and spirit; any place is a good place to […]

Chilly Morning, Hot Coffee and Into the Day
·The morning is chilly, almost cold. Is it really June? Sunlight tips the treetops and the day opens before me. What will I do with the gift of another perfect day? Thoughts of yet a third Ned McNeil cozy mystery keep running through my head. What can I do with these imaginary plots and characters except […]

The Blight of Progress
·Sure, I know “you can’t stop progress.” I’ve heard that many times and fear it may be largely true. Question is, where is this march of progress leading? I’m all for progress in medicine, in doing things better (not necessarily faster) and for headway made against the ills of mankind. What I’m not for is senseless […]

Wednesday Wanderings
There’s nothing like a steaming mouthful of coffee to open one’s eyes. Whew! At least, I can be sure that my alimentary canal is now germ-free. A wonderful rain lulled me to sleep last night but here it is morning, and that memorable sip of coffee fully opened my eyes. This Wednesday morning’s post is chuck full of […]

If Walls Could Talk
·I subscribe to a fascinating newsletter about old houses. Some are ornate; some are falling down; some have been miserably treated and some have been lovingly cared for. These houses have one thing in common: they have a place in history. Each family who lived in them contributed in some way to the community; it was […]