In another life, I might have been a real estate agent. In another life, as an heiress to boundless wealth, I might have bought old houses, re-furbished them, and brought them back to their original splendor. But, in real life, neither of these things have happened. Go with me for a moment into the […]

The Peace and Triumph of Palm Sunday
·Palm Sunday–a Day to celebrate the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is a cloudy, warm day in NW Arkansas, but five years ago, that was not the case. In 2013, on Monday, the day after Palm Sunday was memorable for being downright uncomfortable. A brisk wind blew snow in front of it; snow that […]

What Does My House Say About Me?
No, I really don’t have conversations with my floors and ceiling, but if it could talk, what would my house say about me? A few years ago, a popular television program aired called If Walls Could Talk. Do you remember that show? It was one of my favorites because old secrets were found tucked away […]

A Cat, a House, and a Story
·My name is Penny. I am a cat. I live in a big Victorian house with a woman named Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil. Her friends call her Ned. She’s a nice woman, always makes sure my food dish doesn’t go empty and when she has ice cream, she shares it with me. I like living […]