Things My Mama Taught Me

All the good things that I am, came from my parents. The not-so-good? Well, I’veĀ  managed those things on my own. This morning I was thinking about things my mother taught me. I had never really tried to itemize them, they were just there. To list them would be like trying to draw a diagram […]

In the Face of Danger

In the Face of Danger

A cool wind stirs the leaves on the maple. The leaves are, one by one and in bunches, turning to gold and orange. With a lot of green mixed it, the tree is really beautiful. We need rain, but not as badly as the people in Colorado and California and other states, particularly in the […]

Hope and Tomorrow

When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? As the sun slides westward, another day with its troubles and puzzles comes to a close, but tomorrow will be a brand new day. Perhaps problems will be solved or on the way to being solved–tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the homeless man asking […]

Hats Off to Galveston

Hats Off to Galveston

Yesterday was the anniversary of the 1900 hurricane that wiped out a good portion of the island of Galveston, Texas. I couldn’t let that date go by without mentioning it. If you haven’t read much about it in history, let me tell you that it is an amazing, true story of devastation and horror and […]

What Was That Sound?

What Was That Sound?

This morning, a strange sound woke me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. It had a nice ring to it as it plunked onto something metal outside. Another noise over-shadowed it, a soft rumble. Aha! Thunder! Rain. At last, it was raining. Now, the morning is still dark. Rain has stopped, but the clouds promise […]

Not Even a Whisper

Not Even a Whisper

There’s not even a whisper of a breeze this morning. When I stepped out on the deck, the boards under my feet felt warm. Everything is hushed and still, as if nature is holding its breath. The sun isn’t up yet, but the birds are. Blackbirds have sort of taken over my back yard. There’s […]