Taking Hope

A new year is waiting to make its appearance tomorrow. As we look at 2025, I think an important word is “hope.” We all hope for a better year in every aspect of life. Here in the South, we can’t start the New Year without those all-important black-eyed peas.  That particular practice goes back to […]

Just Imagine!

Is this an age of enlightenment or a return to the Dark Ages? Hopefully, it is neither and probably I’m the only one in the whole world who would ask. A definition of the Dark Ages is “the time after the fall of the Roman Empire, marked by intellectual, economic, and cultural decline.” Whereas in […]

He Is Risen

Can you imagine the joy of the Lord’s followers on that first Easter morning? The stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Death could not hold the Son of God. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Because of Easter, hope stirs within us and our spirits open to the magnificence of new life. Because […]

As Long As They Sing

There has never been a time before this, to my knowledge,when young people have been so much under attack from so many different places. Youngsters of today have to deal with issues that hadn’t entered the minds of anyone a few years back. Now, suddenly, from many directions, they are being told this or that […]

The Hope of Tomorrow

It had been an unsettling day, for some reason. No earthquakes or tornadoes or devastating news, but it seemed as if a spirit of evil or a spiteful sprite had been present. A prickling word here, a worrisome conversation there, an unsettled, fearful feeling of something just out of sight, something left un-done, something that […]

Can you say 2024

Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone is one of my favorites–the garnet, a lovely, deep red stone. Your flower is the carnation. Carnations are used to celebrate many occasions and have a heady fragrance. You share this birth month with Paul Revere, […]