Murder By Moonlight is finished, except for tweaks, edits, and a general buffing. Here’s a snippet. I hope you like it. Why had I listened to Daisy Stanton? “You don’t have to take this assignment, Ned,” she had said when we met for coffee at Grandy’s last week.” Here she paused and sighed. “I […]

A Close Encounter of the Scary Kind
·In case you’ve forgotten The Cemetery Club, here’s part of an exciting chapter. We find Darcy and her mother Flora driving east toward Fayetteville during a rainstorm. The highway is deserted…or so they think. As we crossed the Ventris River Bridge, rain came down harder. Switching my wiper speed to “fast,” I made sure the […]

The Theme Song
·I wonder if we realize the influence music has on each of our lives. When I hear the stirring first notes of My Own True Love, I instantly picture Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind. Each movie or TV show has its theme song and those opening notes tell us where we’re […]

A Little Philosophy and Murder
·Sometimes, Ned, Pat and Jackie are philosophers. As my friend Jane once said, good friends are doctors and scientists and, well, I’m not quoting her correctly, but most of all, friends are there for each other. So, these three have their own thoughts about what causes a person to go bad. This is from Moonstruck […]