Overcoming Tragedy

Overcoming Tragedy

Yesterday was the 96-year anniversary of the tornado that destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma. I wrote about that sad event when I was writing feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press, in the 1980s. The newspaper story was my blog post here on this site on May 2, three years ago. Yesterday, I put a link to that […]

If Walls Could Talk

If Walls Could Talk

I subscribe to a fascinating newsletter about old houses. Some are ornate; some are falling down; some have been miserably treated and some have been lovingly cared for. These houses have one thing in common: they have a place in history. Each family who lived in them contributed in some way to the community; it was […]

Unafraid to Ask Why

Unafraid to Ask Why

The Cemetery Club is only  99 cents on Amazon! When you listen to the news, do you ever ask, “Why?” That’s a favorite word for young children whose curiosity leads them to learn. Sometimes, as adults, our curiosity is dulled and we tend to accept events or happenings without asking that all-important question. It shouldn’t be that […]

In My Heart

In My Heart

This morning as I gaze at my quiet street, my heart is full of many things: gratitude, hopes, concerns, dreams and memories. Sometimes as I drink in the quiet rustle of the trees, the way morning shadows slope across green grass, or the optimistic song of birds, I let my thoughts stray backward to what […]

My Fascinating Foray into Politics

  This is a re-post of a dream I had, years ago. I thought it was interesting, but haven’t analyzed it and have no desire to. What made me dream such absurd things? Only my subconscious knows. A few years ago, I went through a period of recording a few of my dreams in a […]

Critiquing Critters

Critiquing Critters

“We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets!” This is what Jane said after our critique back on July 17. I’m pretty sure she still […]