Chronicles of a Cozy Mystery

Chronicles of a Cozy Mystery

Thanks to Sharon Mierke for allowing me to guest blog on Cozy Cat Chronicles. It’s an attractive site and Ned McNeil and I are privileged to be featured. Come, take a look. It also spotlights the cover of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I love history and I love a good mystery. This […]

The Intriguing Mystery of History

Old houses fascinate me. If they could talk, what stories they would tell of the people who have lived within their walls, of the good times and bad, of historic changes they’ve witnessed. Old houses are a part of history and I like to dig out the mysteries within them. For a time, quite a […]

The Weight of Many Years

The Weight of Many Years

The weight of many years was too much for an historic building in my hometown of Tahlequah. The back end of 120-year old Masters’ Hardware, collapsed. Judging from the pictures, it just let go and crumbled to the ground. Luckily, the store had been closed for a while and no one was inside. What caused it? A 3.0 […]

Fiddlin’ With the Facts

Fiddlin’ With the Facts

Remember the old, black and white TV series, Dragnet and the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am.”  This unflappable team of Jack Webb and Harry Morgan spent a whole thirty minutes ferreting out the bad guys and getting to the facts of the case. But, fiction writers can have fun fiddlin’ with the facts. In writing By […]

The Blight of Progress

The Blight of Progress

Sure, I know “you can’t stop progress.” I’ve heard that many times and fear it may be largely true. Question is, where is this march of progress leading? I’m all for progress in medicine, in doing things better (not necessarily faster) and for headway made against the ills of mankind. What I’m not for is senseless […]

A This and That Thursday

A This and That Thursday

This is the National Day of Prayer. Our country needs prayers as never before. These ancient, beautiful words are so very true today when we see the bedrock values that have always been our base as a country being turned upside down.  “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and […]