Seems Like I’ve Heard That Before

Today’s blog is a list of quotes that we’ve probably heard–or, maybe not. Anyway, I thought it would  be fun to list them and see how you do. These are the possibilities: I Corinthians 13:13, William Shakespeare, Scarlett O’Hara, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, Robert Browning, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, Darcy […]

Thoughts on the Old Year

Thoughts on the Old Year

  It’s a funny thing about tomorrow; although it’ll be the start of a brand-new year, 2020, were it not for turning the page on the calendar, would anyone notice a difference? The 1920s were known as the Roarin’ Twenties. What will the 2020s be known as? Looking back at several past New Years, I […]

The Life of an Old Barn

The Life of an Old Barn

  Arkansas and Oklahoma are blessed with many beautiful old barns. When I say old, I mean those that were built from the ground up, not pre-fab or metal.  It is painful to see a barn that is 80 or 100 years old slowly crumbling with no one to care for it. When it’s gone, […]

A Battle Cry for Freedom

A Battle Cry for Freedom

  “A day that will live in infamy,” President Roosevelt said. And, indeed, it has and will. A surprise attack by Japanese aircraft against the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor triggered the United States’ entrance into World War II.  As I watch old film clips and read first-hand accounts, I can imagine the shock […]

The Old Umbrella Oak

The Old Umbrella Oak

  A large oak stands in front of the house that belonged to my parents. It is so tall and its limbs spread so wide that anyone standing under it during a rain is sheltered, as if by a giant umbrella. The tree is old and has seen many changes. A busy street a few […]

Keeping the Hearth Fire Burning

Keeping the Hearth Fire Burning

  Maybe it’s because October is here and with its arrival, the promise of cooler weather. Crisp days and nights make me think of much chillier temps and that, of course, leads to the thoughts of the fireplace. So, why do I have a life-long love of fireplaces? Could it be because Irish ancestors sat […]