A Further Development

Chapter 5 Miss Georgia banged her hoe into her flower bed, causing a startled toad to hop out of the way. Gardening was an excellent release of too much adrenalin or worry or whatever ailed a person. And, after a morning of visiting four different shops in town and talking with Smudge Littleton at the […]

The Wise Men–Three?

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem — (Matthew 2:1). Today is the day Christians celebrate the Epiphany, when wise men from the East bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, came to find and worship […]

Sleepless Night

Chapter 3 Miss Georgia didn’t sleep well that night. It wasn’t the wind, although it did howl around the corner like a lost soul. It wasn’t actually Abigail, who slept on Miss Georgia’s sofa. It was the story Abigail brought with her, the ridiculous story about thinking maybe her house was haunted. Miss Georgia had […]

Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 4

Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 4

Remember Miss Georgia Lee, the retired school teacher? Today and tomorrow, I’m re-running the last two chapters of that story, so that we’ll all remember something about it, then, get ready for a brand new Miss Georgia story! Chapter Four, Shadow on the Rock Miss Georgia knocked on the Stone’s door and heard muttered exclamations […]

Goose Summer

Goose Summer

From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918, Place: the Latty Farm. In the fall come rare, sparkling days that are warm and bright, with very little wind, when nature seems to savor the last remnants of summer. Spider webs break loose from their moorings and float through the air, […]

In the Walnut Woods

In the Walnut Woods

From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918; Place: A small farm in Oklahoma. Autumn, on our farm at Etta, had its special joys. East of the spring branch, maples blazed in gold and russet. Oaks wore yellow and brown. Walnut trees dropped their leaves, then shed their green-coated nuts […]