My America

My grandparents once owned a store and lived in a house across the road.  I remember being in it as a child and it seemed awfully big, dark, and exciting. The candy counter and the bright-colored sweets with the scales my grandfather used to measure a penny’s worth, the tiny brown candy sacks, were a […]

Re-visiting Ireland, Seven Years Later

Green fields of every shade imaginable  could be the reason Ireland is known as the emerald isle. The country itself is small, about the size of the state of Indiana. Population is 6.4 million with a million of the people living in Dublin. It reminds me of a jewel, truly an emerald surrounded by a […]

Where We Were

Come with me for a trip into history and delve into a 1921 issue of The Etude, Presser’s Musical Magazine. I’m not sure where I bought this magazine but it’s fascinating because it’s from a much different era of America. Woodrow Wilson was President that year; that is, until March 4 when Warren G. Harding […]

The Author in the Oval Office

The Author in the Oval Office

The first oval office for the first President of the United States was an oval tent at Valley Forge. Here, George Washington planned strategies for the eventual success of the Revolutionary War. He began writing long before this time, one of the first examples being a journal he kept when he was sixteen. Later accounts […]

An Impressive Person

An Impressive Person

Yesterday was the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln and I had Presidents on my mind. We hear of some more than others. Who, I asked myself, was a President that I didn’t hear much about? I came up with the name of  John Tyler. In doing a bit of research, I found a lot of […]

Not Really Balmy

Not Really Balmy

Happy birthday, Mr. Lincoln! Just in case anybody thinks he and President Washington were born on the same day, different years, let me tell you it isn’t true. Let’s not forget the good things this sixteenth President did. And, let’s remember his birthday is February 12. Always has been and always will be.  In honor […]