Have you read the newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery? Murder by Moonlight is available on Amazon.com. Here’s an excerpt: Had hours passed since I realized I was trapped? It felt like a century. Exhausted, I realized that beating on the wall and yelling wasn’t going to help. I was in a cocoon of earth and […]
Moonstruck, Murderous, or Slightly Mad?
Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil–Ned to most of her friends. She was curious. She was adventuresome–character traits she was born with. Daisy grinned. “Ned, you have certainly livened up this old town. I guess you can’t help it if you are involved in every suspicious death that happens. But, sometimes meddling is risky business.” […]

I can see her as a little girl, dark hair in braids, running down that dusty road at Etta, hoeing weeds out of the garden, her bonnet dangling down her back, or picking wildflowers for a spring bouquet. She was the middle child in the Latty family, the mischievous one who was always busy but […]

An Interview with Penny the Cat, II
·A curious reporter, out to get a story, shows up in Ednalee, Oklahoma. She wants to interview Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil (Ned) about her return to Ednalee and her plans for the future but, alas, Ned is not home. However, Penny the small gray cat who shares her home with Ned, is sitting sedately on […]