Why Build a Boat on Dry Land?

The Bible says that Noah was the grandson of Methuselah, the son of Lamech, and the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  He was a godly man in an ungodly world. Scripture plainly states that the reason the Lord sent the Flood was because people had become so evil that their sins required Divine punishment. […]

You Have to Use Your Imagination

You Have to Use Your Imagination

Imagination is a wonderful thing. With imagination, you can see things that really aren’t there. With imagination this morning, I can take a trip of about a hundred miles and a hundred years and, there I am at Etta Bend, my mother’s childhood home. I can see the farm as it was a century ago. […]

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

“A day that will live in infamy,” President Roosevelt said. And, indeed, it has and will. A surprise attack by Japanese aircraft against the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor triggered the United States’ entrance into World War II, December 7, 1941. As I watch old film clips and read first-hand accounts, I can imagine […]

How to Say Thank You

As America pauses to honor veterans of all the wars from Lexington to the present day, I conclude that the best way I can say thank you to the men and women who have given or were willing to give all they have for me, is to be ever watchful of that wonderful thing called […]

In the Walnut Woods

In the Walnut Woods

From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918; Place: A small farm in Oklahoma. Autumn, on our farm at Etta, had its special joys. East of the spring branch, maples blazed in gold and russet. Oaks wore yellow and brown. Walnut trees dropped their leaves, then shed their green-coated nuts […]

The Ticking of a Clock

The Ticking of a Clock

  When I hear a clock ticking, I go back a few decades and find myself in Ma and Pappy Latty’s house. They always had a wind-up clock and I can remember how the sound meant peace and security for me. I can see my grandparents’ living room, sun coming through the windows, and feel […]