My Grandfather’s Barn

My Grandfather’s Barn

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8) That verse always reminds me of my grandpa, Levi Latty. I can picture him going to his barn to milk, morning and […]

The Enchanting, Unforgettable Emerald Isle

The Enchanting, Unforgettable Emerald Isle

Sure, and it was four years ago that I traveled to the enchanting Emerald Isle, but it was an unforgettable, marvelous place–truly grand. And, since I loved it then and love it now, I’ll reprint what I said about it, shortly after arriving back home from that wonderful place called Ireland. Green fields of every […]

Making Memories for Tomorrow

Making Memories for Tomorrow

It was shocking to me when Dr. Billy Graham passed away this week. Of course, I knew that he wasn’t well and he was getting up in years and would one day die, but it’s still a shock because he and his crusades had been a fixture in American life since before I was born. […]

Speaking of Thanksgiving and Mothers…

Speaking of Thanksgiving and Mothers…

In looking at past posts, I’ve noticed several people go to this post about mothers. I’m glad you are interested and thought I’d reprint it here, the day after Thanksgiving 2017. What do Moms have to do with Thanksgiving? A lot! My mother was the greatest influence of my life. I remember Thanksgivings at her […]



“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1). So begins one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible. It ties in nicely with one of my favorite songs, “This is my Father’s world.” Sometimes we forget Who is the ultimate authority, Who has final […]

My Dad, My Rock

My Dad, My Rock

His character was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.  He was stubborn and he could be stern. He didn’t talk an awfully lot but he had a keen sense of humor and liked a good joke. And whatever he said, I knew was the truth. The whole world might be wrong, but not my […]