Watering plants on an early August morning has its rewards–for example, it’s the coolest time of the whole day! As I watch water stream from the hose into the thirsty ground, a school child dashes up the hill to catch his bus. Another child walks down the hill to catch a different bus. Is she […]
A Summer Morning
Watering herbs and flowers on a summer morning has its own rewards. In the first place, mornings are cool and quiet. In the second place, being near herbs is reward in itself. They smell wonderful. This past spring, I planted an array of herbs in a large planter. They loved it there and thrived. Sage, […]

A Comfort Zone
·News of the war in Ukraine and the power-hungry and ruthless Mr. Putin has my brain on overload. Last night, I even dreamed about running from an enemy, trying to escape, and being scared. I am awed by the courage of the Ukraine President and the people. I pray for them all and for […]

And the Grape Vine Grew
·I like herbs and flowers and vegetables–well, almost any plant is worth knowing, even the poisonous kind like castor beans or polk. This year, I determined to put out some tomato plants. Alas, my yard is mostly shade and my tomato plants haven’t done well. However, the herbs have and so has my grape vine! […]

A Burst of May Energy
·Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day, too pretty to stay indoors. So, I went for more plants and herbs. Only thing about my yard is that most plants require a degree of sunshine and my back yard is shady. This is due to a willow oak, a maple, and a mulberry tree. So, instead of […]