Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]
Three Good Friends
Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]

Three Brave Hens and a Fox
·Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]

Strawberries, Sugar, and Cream
Curly-locks! Curly-locks! Wilt thou be mine? Thou shalt not wash dishes, nor yet feed the swine; But sit on a cushion, and sew a fine seam, and feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream! This nursery rhyme is from long ago, maybe in the days of King Charles and written as a satire, but […]