The Hundred Year Old Barn

The Hundred Year Old Barn

The Hundred Year Old Barn A Fable By Blanche Day Manos The hundred year-old barn was home to a cow, a rooster, some hens, and a mule who pulled a plow. The days they spent in working; each one did his best, and when the sun sank from the sky, the animals needed rest. But, […]

Are You Okay?

Are you okay this morning? Did you survive Halloween, full moon, time change, and the small earthquakes in Oklahoma, Texas, California,  and Alaska? Take a deep breath, look around, and enjoy this first day of November–a brand-new month, a momentous month for several reasons. Happy birthday to all my readers whose birthday comes this month. […]

Celebrating Labor Day

A question–why is a day we don’t have to work called Labor Day? Shouldn’t it be called Non-Labor Day or Fun Day or Put Your Feet Up and Read a Book Day? This Labor Day will be different for many because of the new regulations. Not so different for me.  Each Labor Day, as an […]