A lot of things that used to be commonplace have fallen to the wayside in the rush of a technological age. For example, I never hear anyone whistle a tune any more. Do you? I used to whistle a lot. Now, something has happened to my whistler and I have a pretty limited range. Used […]

What Time Is It?
·Time! What is it? We can’t see it, but it is the most precious gift we have. How much time do we have? Only God knows. What we do with our allotted time is pretty much up to us. I still have this little Hallmark date book that I got way back in the 1950s. […]

Sparkles of Joy
·A wise woman once said, “I decided long ago that I would never be wealthy. In fact, I knew that I would never have much money. Instead of worrying about it and thinking of all the happiness I might have missed, I made up my mind to find happiness in little, everyday happenings. Those things […]
What Is Family?
·What is a family to you? Who are the people in your life that you hold dearest of all? To most of us, it’s our parents, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren– but it can mean more than that. Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker are family. Flora is Darcy’s mom. But, they are more than mother and […]