Sunday morning dawned bright and warm, as if the weather had no recollection of the dark, stormy time two days ago. Miss Tootsie sat down to a breakfast of ham and eggs, biscuits, and gravy. Sunday was a day of leisure and relaxation. With Cocoa curled in her basket in front of the wood-burning cookstove, […]

Looking Back at a Small, Furry Hostess
Yesterday, my friend Fran emailed me some sad news: Miss Kitty had died. I’ve written about Miss Kitty several times, when I wrote about the luncheons Fran hosted in her home. Those were special times–a warm welcome from Fran, friendly chats with the women I met there, and, of course, a visit with Miss […]

The Sky Is the Limit with “What If”
·But, what if things were not as they appeared and behind all the facade beat a real, honest-to-goodness mystery? With the magic words of “What If” the sky is the limit. I am pleased and honored to be guest blogger on Southern Writers Magazine Suite T this morning. Please click on this link and […]

Guest Post By An Exceptionally Popular Writer
I am so pleased today to introduce to you my special guest, Sharon Rose Mierke. Sharon is a Canadian author and has been a guest on this blog before, but she has, since that time, added new books. I can personally recommend her books and feel that they will give you hours of reading pleasure. […]

A Warm, Sunny Welcome to a Notorious Guest
·Happy first day of winter and a hearty welcome to a notorious guest. Today is the shortest day of the year, the longest night, the day when the sun begins heading north instead of south, and a spring-like day in NW Arkansas. It’s as if warm weather and autumn are having a final fling, a […]