Today is Groundhog Day. The big question is: will he see his shadow? If the groundhog wakes up, pokes his head above the ground, and sees his shadow, he is so frightened that he disappears into his den again and we have six more weeks of winter. So goes the old belief which probably nobody […]

A Gripping Groundhog Fable
·Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? I did once and the result was unbelievable. You see, a groundhog lived under the garage at my house. I tried everything I could think of to make her realize she needed to find a new place to live. I mean, who wants tunnels and holes under the […]

Groundhogs and Weather
·It’s Groundhog Day. Punxatawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. So, according to tradition, this means an early spring. Is that an accurate prediction? The answer remains a mystery. It’s fun to see what the folk in Punxatawney make of waking up Phil. It was snowing as a large group, known as the Inner Circle, in top […]

The Inside Scoop from an Expert
·You may think that groundhogs merely predict the weather. Here’s the inside scoop–they don’t predict, they control the weather. You know why? The answer may astound you. Probably every area has a groundhog. We all know about the famous Punxsutawney Phil. Being born and raised in Oklahoma, all I know about are Okie groundhogs and […]