Mid-Summer Meanderings

Mid-Summer Meanderings

Summer – is it at its zenith or is it on its way out? It seems that plants and animals, the very air, have a different feel about them, a sort of sleepiness, sort of lolling in the warmth but with an eye to shorter days and the next season. It’s fun to notice the behavior […]

Fiery Chariots

Fiery Chariots

I was able to collect my thoughts yesterday, decide the day was mine, not Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil’s, and go to church.  I was glad I did. The Sunday school lesson was about faith. In many parts of the world, Christians are being slaughtered for no other reason than  faith – their faith in Jesus. […]

Who Would Have Thought It?

John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Who knew? And, today, who cares? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspirations for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it was this […]

August Already

August Already

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? Yesterday, that was not only a feeling, it was a fact. Mr. Gray, atop the mailbox posts, had his feline eyes directed right at my window. I like to think he was guarding the house against lions and tigers, and all other impossible threats. […]

Wednesday Wanderings

Wednesday Wanderings

Sometimes, I get a subtle reminder that I’m not a teenager any more, and that this isn’t the 1950s or 1960s. These reminders come about in a variety of ways. Yesterday, in an email, I mentioned someone being mercurial, rather like quicksilver. Instantly, a Doris Day song started running through my memory, “You slipped through […]

Procrastinators, Enigmas, and Puzzling People

Procrastinators, Enigmas, and Puzzling People

For a long time, my storage building has needed painting. Particularly, the door needs painting. Painting is a warm weather job, mostly, because, honestly, who wants to paint with a cold north wind numbing hands and nose? No longer do I want to look at that storage room with the peeling paint and think, “I […]