A Feeling of Home

A Feeling of Home

This morning, as I gaze out my window on the world, I see the maple in front, the home of squirrels and a few birds, is becoming beautiful. I didn’t know whether the leaves would be pretty or not this year, but they are lovely. I don’t imagine the creatures who call that tree home […]

Interview with a Dog

Interview with a Dog

Our roving reporter has interviewed citizens of Levi, Oklahoma, giving us a peek at the good folk there. Today, that intrepid reporter catches up with, of all people, my dog! Now, he is a pretty easy-to-get-along-with fellow and he seemed willing to sit down and give an interview. I stayed out of it! Roving Reporter: I admit I feel […]

A New Day Dawnin’

A New Day Dawnin’

Lots of reasons to celebrate this morning. There’s a new day dawnin’; it lies before me like a clean, fresh piece of paper with no words on it as of it. A new week with lots of opportunities is here. My three Darcy and Flora Cozy Mysteries are available both on Pen-L.com and Amazon.com! Yea! May I suggest […]

Company Comin’

Company Comin’

This morning, maybe because Matt and Dawn were expecting company yesterday, I thought of how my dad and mom welcomed company a long time ago when I was a child. Company was special. (It still is, by the way.) We looked forward to visitors (well, Mom and Dad did. I was so shy that sometimes I would […]

Frightful Fact or Fanciful Fiction

Frightful Fact or Fanciful Fiction

When the wind whispers secrets to the trees and shadows slip around dark corners, when change is in the air and things are not what they seem, what better time to let your imagination soar into the realms of shivers and shadows? I have a mystery for you this morning. From which of the Darcy and Flora books […]

Chocolate Nuggets

Chocolate Nuggets

What do you call a pan of double chocolate orange brownies that don’t exactly come out of the pan as they ought? Chocolate nuggets, of course. And, let me tell you they are just as tasty as the kind that is neatly cut into attractive squares.Chocolate nuggets, coffee, friendship and a whole lot of laughter […]