Last night, I saw parts of old television programs starring Tennessee Ernie Ford. I do believe that a person has to have attained a certain number of years before he/she can remember Tennessee Ernie. The program last night showed the first Tennessee Ernie TV programs, in black and white. Yet, I remember being mesmerized by […]
My Sister Helen
In any family, there is a birth order. We can read books on the subject and discover why older, middle, and younger children behave as they do. Perhaps those studies are reliable and the theories are true or perhaps they are just generalizations because there is always somebody who breaks the mold. In our large family, there were […]
We Here Below
·Each time the big airliner that took us to Ireland lifted off from the airport or came in to land, I marveled at how tiny houses, rivers, trees were below me. Have you heard the saying, “above it all”? Looking down on earth, I knew that in those houses and along those streets, people were […]
Thanksgiving Day Past
Thanksgiving Day has come and gone and it was worth the effort! It was great to see family and friends, eat and talk and eat some more. We did a lot of talking, every topic under the sun was covered. It was so good to see Steven, my nephew from Minnesota. And, of course Tracy, […]
VPs and Dissecting a Cozy
My Sunday School group is made up of some of the neatest people you would ever want to be around. Don’t let it be said that we VPs are old or dull or staid. No indeed! We want to know what, who, why, how. We are as curious as cats. We may look on life with […]
A Cozy Kind of Day
·“Yes, she joined me for supper and then she went right back to the living room and that book,” he said, indicating my first cozy, The Cemetery Club. “I finished it last night,” she told me. “I couldn’t put it down. I’ve got to have the other two books.” This is all music to a writer’s […]