The March for Life in Washington, D. C. yesterday encouraged me. Tens of thousands of people rallying for the right of unborn children to live. I am reminded of a Bible verse (more than one, really) “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and […]
Contrary Contradictions
·People are interesting and I like to try to figure out what makes them tick. Usually, after pondering, I give up and decide people are contradictions, a little of this, a whole lot of that and somewhat of the other. I am not a country music fan, but I like the way Randy Travis sings. […]
Whence Cometh Thou?
·As you read the three Darcy and Flora cozies, do you ever stop to wonder why the characters act as they do, where they’re coming from? Do you ever recognize yourself in one or two of the characters and realize the answer to the question, Whence Cometh Thou? In the first book, The Cemetery Club, Darcy is simply […]
Coming Home at Night
·It was late afternoon and the sun was throwing long shadows across the grass. In a tall tree on the street behind me, a cardinal sat. Just one bird. At the very tiptop of the tree. I know it was a cardinal because of its shape against the winter sky. Was he staking out the […]
Cell Phones and Pinocchio
What is there about the way a lot of people use cell phones that reminds me of the children’s story, Pinnochio? Well, let’s see now. Everywhere I go, whether I’m driving or shopping, I see people with cell phones stuck to their ears or, worse yet, texting. Wrecks happen, someone bumps into someone else or steps in […]
Courage and a Cardinal
My niece Kim had an inspiring picture and quote on her Facebook page. I shared it on my own. A cardinal sits on a snowy pine. The caption is, “No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” I’ve noticed that, just by being who he is, no more and no […]