Rather than tell you in words about yesterday’s luncheon at Fran’s, I’ll let the pictures show you. A picture is worth a thousand words, you know. I’ve mentioned before that Fran keeps a Christmas tree in her entry way all year and decorates it with season appropriate items. Yesterday she had school things on and […]
Do You Remember Audie Murphy?
September 2, 1945. The end of World War II. On board the USS Missouri which was anchored in Tokyo Bay, all was decorum and protocol. Japanese officials, formally dressed, their faces inscrutable, Allied Generals, dignified and reserved in their victory, and overhead, hundreds of American fighters and bombers. General Douglas MacArthur, who was welcomed aboard the […]
Morning Awakens
Early morning slips in on silent feet. It moves through drowsy trees, stirring a leaf here and there. Within the branches of a blue spruce, something stirs. A bird, perhaps? Darkness is slow to leave; the day is loath to begin. At last, gathering the shadows around it like a cloak, the dawn glides away, yielding to the rising of a […]
Books, Mushrooms, and Other Stuff
·My house is awash in books! Honestly. Just take a look a these pictures and that’s not counting the books in the bedrooms and stored away because I don’t have enough bookshelves. I guess you could say I am book poor. Another way of looking at it is that I’m book rich. Whichever, I’m glad […]
Last Day for Free Book
·Thanks to everyone who have been downloading Best Left Buried as a free ebook and have also decided to purchase The Cemetery Club and Grave Shift to go along with it. Remember this is the last day for the free book. One of the perks of writing is I get to meet other authors and make […]
One of a Kind
William McKinley was President when my dad, Robert Bryan Day, was born. People got from place to place by train or horse and wagon or riding horseback or they walked. At least, that was true of the Day family in rural Arkansas. Dad saw many, many changes during his eighty-eight years on this earth, from […]