Moonlight Can Be Murder

Moonlight Can Be Murder

November 15–a red-letter day. This is the release date for Moonlight Can Be Murder. I’m really excited about this new cozy mystery series and I hope you are too. There’s lots to do before a new book is launched onto the public stage. Lots of preparation, planning, gathering of people to help publicize it. And […]

Early, Dark, Rainy

Early, Dark, Rainy

This morning, a loud crash above my head woke me. My eyes popped open. Thunder! Being wide awake, I felt sure it was time to get up so I padded into the kitchen and put on the coffee. Then I glanced at the clock. Oh, my goodness! It was only wee, small hours with dawn […]

After the Ball–um–Critique

At the bottom of this page, I’ve posted a link to a very old song, “After the Ball”. That’s how I feel sometimes at the end of a critique: kind of sad that it’s over. However, I look forward to the next one, unlike the poor singer of the sad song. Yesterday was a kick-up-your-heels […]

Elastic Circles

Elastic Circles

Do I have a circle of friends? Hmm? I don’t know. Circles are a round, closed line. That sounds pretty cut and dried, doesn’t it? I guess if I have circles of friends, the circle is elastic, it stretches to include more and more and in no way keeps anybody out; only invites others in. […]

Prowling Through a Dark House

Prowling Through a Dark House

Sometimes sleep is a contest, a real honest to goodness struggle. Hard to come by. I doze off on the sofa, wake up and see it’s way past my bedtime, stagger back to bed and pop! My eyes are as wide open as an owl’s and I can no more go to sleep than I […]

Serving Up Sunday

Serving Up Sunday

“This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I have so much to rejoice about today, Sunday, September 6. The Lord fashioned this day and the beautiful world of nature. When I watch a National Geographic or look closely at the trees and flowers, the birds and […]