The grass, the leaves, the flowers are bowed down with rain. Thunder stomps across heavy, dark clouds. Rain is wonderful and especially so in the summer, in the month of July. The crepe myrtle’s blooms seem brighter than usual, the Jacob’s coat in its container stands out in the darkness. It seems that flowers are […]

How Do You Look at Things?
·My sister-in-law Linda and I found these old glasses in their case when we were cleaning out Mom and Dad’s storage room. I know two things about them: they are old and I like them a lot. They did not belong to my parents and I’m guessing some previous owner of the house and storage […]

A Strawberry in the Sky
·Did you see that beautiful, pink strawberry sailing through the night skies last night? June’s full moon is called the strawberry moon. It is particularly lovely when it shines down on still, tranquil Little Sand Lake. And, the fire pot? It invites folk to come sit a spell and enjoy the serenity of […]
Lots of Whys Without Answers
·Tell Me Why I wonder about lots of things. “Why” is always on the tip of my tongue. So, bear with me in this morning’s ramble. I go from absurd to serious in the blink of an eye! One thing I’ve wondered about is the placement of garages on newer houses. About ninety-per cent of the […]
And That’s the Way It Is
·Good morning. Coffee is perked and Nemo and I are about to go sit on the deck while it’s cool. Today will be another warm one. My Minnesota people are enduring the heat and thankful for air conditioning. How did we do this when I was a child and we had no air conditioning except […]

My Dad, My Rock
His character was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. He was stubborn and he could be stern. He didn’t talk an awfully lot but he had a keen sense of humor and liked a good joke. And whatever he said, I knew was the truth. The whole world might be wrong, but not my […]