Our Sunday School lesson was on a Bible passage that many of us have read again and again. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if […]
Keep Her Flying High
“You’re a grand old flag,” wrote George Cohan. I agree. Grand and beautiful and representative of freedom. Let’s stop a moment on this Flag Day to think about what our national banner means. To me, the Star Spangled Banner represents my Irish ancestors who left their own beautiful homeland and a heritage of centuries past, to […]
Where the Lost Things Are
·My friend Jane has some interesting dreams and sometimes uses them in a story or poem. I do too, occasionally. Last night, I had a most interesting dream about a 1967 Ford Mustang. My husband and I bought the Mustang brand-new, straight off the showroom floor. It was beautiful, small, shiny brown with a leather-look brown interior […]
Chasing Away the Shadows
Such an absolutely beautiful Sunday morning! Not a leaf stirs as the sun dapples them with gold and shadow. On my neighbor’s driveway, a rabbit with wet feet stops and does a bit of drying off. Two squirrels chase each other around the maple. In the back yard, the little robin family is out for an […]
Flood Waters and Faith
·The sky is dark this morning. This type of weather might be thought of as foreboding or foreshadowing, especially for friends and family in Texas. High water there already and more rains coming for Texas. Heartbreaking pictures of animals trying to escape flood waters, taking refuge wherever they can, on porches, on tops of cars, anywhere higher […]
Incredibly Creative Critters
Yesterday afternoon, after a pretty impressive thunderstorm, we Cozy Critters met once more. These friends never fail to amaze and inspire me. Carolyn is a a writer and an artist. She shared with us a graduation card she had painted and written for her grandson. This was top-quality stuff! Then, she read her work in progress, Silly […]