Footprints We Leave Behind Us

Footprints We Leave Behind Us

Today is the birthday of Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women and many more classics. Miss Alcott wrote that she wanted to do something splendid that wouldn’t be forgotten. She certainly accomplished that!  The footprints she left through her books are indelible. Her stories are warm and pleasant memories that have lasted more than a century. She […]

When the Earth Shifts

When the Earth Shifts

When the earth shifts under your feet, what do you do? Who do you turn to? I hear a lot about earthquakes nowadays, those in Oklahoma where previously they were rare, those around the world causing tsunamis and devastation, and, of course, in California, people keep talking about the coming “big one.” The physical shaking […]

No Room for Regrets or Recriminations

No Room for Regrets or Recriminations

The leaves are falling from the trees, in a hurry to leave their spring and summer home and take up residence on the ground. At this time of year, it is easy to let melancholy thoughts creep in. Warm weather with its flowers and activities is past, over and done with! So, like the puppies in […]

A Special Touch of Magic in the Air

A Special Touch of Magic in the Air

A special touch of magic is in the air…something fleeting, warm, and lovely. It must be the whisper of a coming special day–Christmas! Thanks to all of you who made Black Friday for Moonlight Can Be Murder a cozy success! For one day only, it was 99 cents on Amazon and now it is scheduled to […]

Moonlight is a Black Friday Special

Moonlight is a Black Friday Special

How much of me is written into my cozy mysteries? Specifically, in Moonlight Can Be Murder, how many of Ned’s thoughts are my thoughts? Would I react to chilling situations with her courage? Probably not. But then, I doubt that anybody is going to will me a Victorian house or a bank account or a lock box with […]

Ned McNeil is Thankful to be Alive

Ned McNeil is Thankful to be Alive

As a Thanksgiving gift to you, my readers, I’m giving you a sneak preview of one of the chapters of my work-in-progress, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. It is a sequel to Moonlight Can Be Murder. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you, the fans of Darcy Campbell, Flora Tucker, and Ned McNeil. […]