What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]
A Fearful Feeling
What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]

The Fifties Woman
·She got up from the chair and walked to the mirror. A sagging, lined face topped with frizzy blond hair stared back at her. Old! That’s what the face was telling her. She was an old woman, over the hill, almost ready for the old folks’ home. Sighing, she turned from the mirror and went […]
A Feeling of Fear
·What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]

Warm Up a Chilly Fall Day
·What can warm up a chilly fall day? A free cozy mystery, of course! And, for two days only, Saturday, October 13 (today!) and Sunday, October 14, the second in the Darcy and Flora mystery series, Grave Shift, is absolutely free as an ebook on Amazon. As you know, Darcy Campbell, a retired investigative […]