As it turned out, Darcy and Flora’s family had its share of hidden things, the secret things. And, that July in Ventris County, just when they thought the storms had ended, another one appeared on the horizon. Reaching across the table, I squeezed her hand. “Oh, Mom, think of it! Think of the people we’ve always look […]

Pictures From the Past
·My niece Missy sent me some copies of old photos she found among her parents’ pictures from the past. I’ve been enjoying them. They caused me to realize anew how quickly time flies and people and places we took for granted pass right along with time. This picture, for example, is of two cousins, a […]

Busy, Bustling Beehive Bursting with Book News
Sometimes things happen at just the right time. They couldn’t be more fortuitous. Yesterday was one of those times.We Cozy Critters sitting around the hundred-year old table sounded like a bunch of bees. Except, I don’t think bees laugh a lot and probably don’t discuss books. I’ve never seen a bee eat gingersnaps or drink coffee […]

The Wonderful Week That Went By Fast
·The Wonderful Week That Went By Fast Every author looks forward to the launch of her book. Months of sitting at the computer, checking facts, going back and forth with editors and publishers, and at last, the BIG DAY! Monday was just such a day for GRAVE HERITAGE, the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery […]

New Candidate for President
Jackson Conner for President I nominate Jackson Conner for President. The first, most obvious thing you would notice about the man is that he looks Presidential. His physical appearance inspires confidence and enthusiasm. He is tall enough but not too tall. He has kept his good physique although he does not have the bulging muscles […]

The Artistic Advance of Autumn
·“Hear ye, hear ye! Summer has passed and autumn is here!” If I were a town crier, this would be my news this morning. Or, since I would be a crier with literary leanings, I might shout, “Autumn is here! Autumn books abound! Get yours today!” One of those books, available only since Monday, is […]