It takes more than one cup of Folgers Coffee to write a tension-filled scene in a Darcy and Flora mystery. For example, time is a vital part of setting. When does the story take place? Last December, Oklahoma experienced record floods. I decided to use that phenomenon when writing Grave Heritage. However, the story doesn’t take […]

Gladness Is Where You Find It
·Gladness, joy, maybe a bit of wackiness are all around us. Enjoying the moment makes the day brighter. Going into the church yesterday morning for the senior breakfast, I met a lady I didn’t know. We introduced ourselves. Her name was Betty. “I’m not very good with remembering names,” she said. “Oh, well, in that case, […]

The Beauty of Brothers
My brothers and I often reminisce. Sadly, we don’t usually chat over coffee; our conversations are by telephone except for those rare occasions when we can all get together. Who else but my brothers can remember relatives who are no longer with us or recollect childhood days with Mom and Dad? It’s funny; even when thinking of a shared […]

A Dark and Stormy Afternoon
·It was a dark and stormy afternoon. Rain beat against the deck. Lightning flashed and thunder rattled the windows. Within the dining room, four women sat around an antique dining table, sipping coffee and munching chocolate. They spoke in hushed voices, almost as if they were afraid they would be overheard although they were the […]

Thunder Prowling Through the Darkness
·Thunder, somewhere above me, is prowling through the darkness like a wild animal. Rain is great to sleep by, but here I am, wide awake and ready for morning. Family and friends in South Carolina and Florida are on the alert, preparing to evacuate if the hurricane warrants it. Wild and wicked weather is on […]

Thoughts for Tuesday Morning
·Tuesday Morning Thoughts This morning, as I listened to news about the hurricane pounding Haiti, I said a prayer for the people there. Many live in shacks that won’t withstand wind and torrential rain and floods. They are afraid to leave their homes, afraid their belongings will be stolen. Let’s remember them and ask the Lord to help […]