Do you ever just need to retreat to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Yesterday, the doctor diagnosed my painful leg as having arthritis. Oh, bother! It was definitely a doughnut kind of day. Now, it is doubtful that refined, white sugar is good for arthritis, but doughnuts are a comfort food, you […]

Blessings for Grandmas
A lot of blessings come along with being a grandma. The biggest blessing is grandchildren–those little guys and gals who remind us of our own children when they were that age. Grandmas have time to listen to what happened at school and they don’t scold when an exuberant grandchild runs through the house. Grandmas admire works of […]

A Spooky, Scary, Mysterious, Yet Cozy Quiz
·When I was in school, “Pop Quiz” were two of the scariest words around, but school was a long time ago and now, when I take a quiz, it is just for fun. That’s what this is this morning, a just-for fun quiz on my five published cozy mysteries. Pour another cup of coffee, get comfortable, […]

At the End of a Windswept Day
I’m actually writing this Thursday evening, not Friday morning, although that’s when you’ll be reading it, probably. This has been a windswept day, pretty chilly, but what made it really nippy was an enthusiastic wind that enjoyed chilling the bones of anyone who got out in it. The sky looks so pretty this evening. It’s […]

Tribal Customs
·Routines are nice as long as they don’t become ruts. Routines are not the same as schedules. A schedule seems rather inflexible and fixed, but a routine is a pattern that gives meaning to a day. Routines are more like tribal customs. In the dim, dark ages that many people have never experienced, those days before […]

Fog Rolls Out; Good News Rolls In
·Good news! Yesterday’s fog lasted pretty much all day. That was not the good news, but it was a super good day anyway. One reason was my kids. We all bundled into the car and trekked out into the cold, gray, dampish world. We ate at our favorite restaurant, we shopped, we piled back into […]