Stormy weather and April–they go together like a hat and a glove. Thunder is a continuous roaring in the distance, but a few minutes ago, it was directly overhead. Lightning still shivers and skitters across the wet street and the thunder is undecided about returning, but, yes! I believe another round is approaching. Fireworks for […]

The Mind of a Murderer
·He glanced at the house where the two old ladies lived. Silly, foolish women! They were easy fooled, thinking he was just being helpful, believing their pedigree and standing in the town impressed him. Ha! If they only knew what he really thought of them. But, with any luck, they’d never know until he was […]

A Circle of Friends
I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago, but it’s still true. Since that time, things have changed some. One friend has gone on to Heaven; Fran has movedĀ and Robbi hosts the luncheon friends, the Cozy Critters circle has lost a couple and gained a couple. The circle is truly elastic. Do I […]

Winter’s Merry Last Fling
Actually, I don’t know if it’s the last flingĀ or not, but winter certainly flung around some snow and sleet yesterday. It was such a nice Saturday!A really good rain all morning, lunch with family at a nearby restaurant, then home by the fireplace to read and watch a nature documentary. But, in the early afternoon, […]

The Roaring of the March Lion
·Yesterday’s wind was a wild and restless thing, blowing clouds across the sky and roaring through the treetops, sounding like a celestial lion. The day was much too warm for March 6, and such weather makes me uneasy. From time immemorial, people have had to watch the sky for their safety during threatening weather. I […]