Yesterday, my publisher sent the edited version of Grave Heritage. Now, I’ll go through, check revisions, agree or disagree and we’ll be one step closer to that fall release date. I’ve included an excerpt from Grave Heritage this morning. Darcy and Flora have had an exhausting day. Instead of being closer to solving a murder, […]
A Bushel Basket of Cozies
·It is exciting to see the cover of my fourth Darcy and Flora cozy on my publisher’s website. It’s on the page called “Coming Soon” and, sure enough, Grave Heritage will be released in a few months. I hope you enjoy it. Sometimes people ask me where I get the ideas for my books. Let […]
Grave Heritage and a Contest
·Remember that contest I mentioned a few days ago? You still have time to enter! Just click on this link and check out what you need to do to enter. It’s really easy; just one of three choices. The contest ends at the end of April and the time draweth nigh. My publisher sent me a […]
Owls, Blackbirds, and Folgers
An owl woke me this morning! Of course, it was way before daylight and for a moment, I didn’t recognize it. The soft “who” came again. It was an owl–the first one I’ve heard in years. He stayed around a while, calling. Maybe he wanted to be good and sure I was out of bed. So, […]
Gravely Speaking
Grave Heritage is finished except for final readings, edits, and re-writes. This is one of my favorite excerpts. I thought you might enjoy it too. As I drove across our bridge, around the house, and into the garage to park beside Mom’s Toyota, a sense of homecoming met me. I loved the trees that seemingly […]
A Shadow in the Night
The weather is wet, cold, and forecast to get snowy and colder. It is, of course, perfect weather to go to Levi, Oklahoma and see what Darcy and Flora are doing in their current mystery, Grave Heritage. As usual, Darcy is setting out to find a bad guy but this time, she goes alone, in the dead of […]