I’m really excited this morning. My friend and fellow Pen-L author Janet K. Brown has used her blog post for my cover reveal for the soon-to-be-released fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, Grave Heritage. Click on this link http://www.janetkbrown.com/2016/08/cover-reveal-for-blanche-manos-new-cozy.html and take a look. Janet has given it a beautiful treatment. You might want to stay a while at Janet’s […]
Skate Boarding Granny
·Things are not always as they seem or even as they look. For instance, anyone at first glance, would think the daring, intrepid woman in the photo was a champion skate-boarder, a real skate-boarding granny. Wouldn’t you? Well, if you squint your eyes a little and use your imagination, that thought could possibly cross your […]
·If I were a poet of a few years ago, I would call the sky “gray and lowering”. A day of ominousity. No, not animosity–ominousity. It is a perfect day for putting a mystery writer in a mood to write dark and creepy foreshadowings. Why is it such a morning? Well, it’s cloudy and quiet […]
Don’t Forget!
·The soft fleece afghan around my shoulders is warmly comforting this morning. My desk is directly under an air conditioning vent. I like the cool air blowing around me but not necessarily down my neck; hence, the afghan. The back yard crepe myrtle is lovely this year but not as much as a few years ago, […]
A Special Place
Fran’s luncheons are always a special time and her house is a special place. I am convinced she and her husband have green thumbs because their front and back yards are a-bloom with flowers and vines. Inside the front door, a warm welcome meets each guest as friends call hello and Fran is ready with a warm hug. Today, […]
Feet Beneath the Surface
·When I look at a completed book, beautiful and inviting with its shiny cover, whether it’s mine or someone else’s, I think how effortless it looks, like someone just wrinkled her nose and presto! There was the finished product. The only people who know better are the author, publisher, and editor. Take, for example, the […]