Chapter 1 I awoke sitting straight up in bed, my heart doing double time. Was it rain pounding against my bedroom windows or the wind roaring around the house that had awakened me? Jethro, his feline apprehension alerted by my sudden movement, jumped from my bed and darted from the room. Straining to hear, I […]
St. Swithin
·For the past two mornings, thunder roused me out of sleep. Rain! It’s wonderful to have rain in July. St. Swithin’s Day is tomorrow. What does an ancient saint have to do with the weather? His is an intriguing story, if you’d like to look him up. It has to do with rain and July. […]
Jethro Picks Up the Pen
·Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal. The […]
Storm Threat
·Ned McNeil and Darcy Campbell have quite a lot in common, for example, getting caught in thunderstorms. In Grave Heritage, July is the rainiest month of the year, contrary to its usual behavior. But, that’s what makes a story, isn’t it–happenings that are far from the way things are supposed to be. Ednalee, Oklahoma is […]

A Moonlight Surprise
·Slipping from tree to bush, I walked as softly as my boots allowed. It’s funny how weird things looked at night, how lonely and hushed, as if the familiar landscape were an alien planet with no life on it except mine. I stopped in the shadow of the farmhouse and listened; no sound of pickax […]

·I’m delving into my ancestry and, let me tell you, it’s fun and it’s also eye-opening. Trying to find these people from whom I resulted is like trying to solve a mystery. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of sleuthing and it’s the sort of on-going mystery that doesn’t seem to have an end. An […]