At last, we’re getting much-needed rain. To say “much-needed” doesn’t really describe the state of dryness we’ve been in for a long time. I don’t think we had any rain in September and here it is, nearing the last of October. I’m just grateful for it. The trees and grass surely are, too. Fire danger […]

May 21, 2019
The Magic Wand of Time
·The morning is dark and cool. We’re under a tornado watch and a flood warning. Last night’s weather was wicked in many places and I haven’t yet heard of all the damage done in Oklahoma and other states. Sunday, as we drove to the cemetery for Decoration Day, we were amazed to see evidence of […]

Mar 24, 2018
Devil’s Den
·Yesterday was a beautiful, warm spring day in NW Arkansas. My family and I took a trip to Devil’s Den State Park. It is a gorgeous area of dam and waterfall, creek, woods, grass; just a lovely natural setting. We picnicked, climbed, walked, took pictures, talked, and had a great time. White splashes […]