My mother had several Bibles. Some, she used basically for reference or footnotes. One, she read every day. She carried a particular Bible to church each Sunday until the cover literally wore out. I find interesting things in her Bible, in addition to God’s Word. She clipped items from newspapers, or stuck birth announcements […]

Grandma Blessings Through the Years
·A lot of blessings come along with being a grandma. The biggest blessing is grandchildren–those little guys and gals who remind us of our own children when they were that age. Grandmas have time to listen to what happened at school and they don’t scold when an exuberant grandchild runs through the house. Grandmas admire works of […]

No Matter Their Size or Shape, Grandmas Are Great
My mother had several Bibles. Some, she used basically for reference or footnotes. One, she read every day. She carried a particular one to church each Sunday until the cover literally wore out then she began taking the Scofield Bible that Matt gave her. I find interesting things in her Bible, in addition to God’s […]