My son and I got the sad news yesterday that one of his best friends had died when his horse threw him. Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, Lance was no longer there, where he had always been for many years, in that special nook in our hearts. Of course, with a death, memories come […]

Tiptoe Through My Garden With Me
My container garden is in full bloom, thanks to my family. Friday, the remnants of last year’s flowers still languished in flower pots, leftover leaves lay here and there, and everything was in need of help. Not this morning. This morning, the triangular area in front of my porch is awash with color and beauty, […]

Sunshine in the Mailbox
Nothing brings sunshine into a dark and cloudy day like knowing somebody thought about me in a kind way. Yesterday, a package arrived in my mailbox. Inside was a handmade table runner from my niece Missy Albrecht. It came all the way from Minnesota just to cheer me, I’m certain of it. Because she knows me so well, […]