Darcy poured another cup of her mother’s strong, hot coffee and sat down across from her, at the kitchen table. “So, Mom, you know everybody in Levi, Oklahoma. Why are you wondering whether to send flowers to January Gritts’ funeral? Are we related to him?” Flora Tucker sipped her coffee and narrowed her eyes. “We […]
Making Sense
In uncertain times, we need an anchor, something unchangeable that we can cling to. It helps to have reminders that people have gone through hard times before now, and survived. One of my nieces, for example, is interested in learning about family history. In trying to answer her questions, I turned to the place where […]
The Way It Was
·The following story is from my mother’s book, Remembering Etta Bend. These are the words of Susie Latty, who, much later, became my mom. The year would have been around 1918. Most of the things we used were homemade and they had to last as long as possible. Papa carved his own handles and wood […]

Chapter Eight–The Key
·I set the boxes on the dining table and got the kitchen scissors from the drawer. Sitting down next to Chris, I proceeded to open the first box. Inside lay a small bundle wrapped in purple velvet and tied with a faded ribbon. I carefully unrolled it. “It’s a ring,” Chris said, as I held […]
The Clock Is Ticking
·The clock is ticking on the four-day countdown deal of the four DARCY AND FLORA COZY MYSTERIES at Amazon. This is Day 1, the only day all four books will be $4.99. Price will increase one dollar for each of the four days. Darcy and Flora are the intrepid mother/daughter sleuths who get stuck in […]