Yesterday, the afternoon stretched before me. It was one of those days that I didn’t really want to delve into anything that would require much concentration. In other words, I felt at loose ends. Then, a niggling, guilty thought intruded. I needed to get started cleaning out the garage, sorting through, throwing away, giving […]
Dirt on My Hands, Sunshine in My Heart
·Why is digging in the dirt therapeutic? Maybe it isn’t for everyone, but for me, it is. Yesterday, I finally got out to the herb garden, dug out grass and weeds, and planted a few herbs, veggies, a hollyhock, and some peppers. When the sun is on my back and my hands are in the […]
New Things All the Time
What is there about springtime that is new each year? I’ve seen quite a few springs, but every new one seems like the first one, and I’m excited to see the flowers and feel the warmth of the sun. Yesterday was a perfect spring day. My family gifted me with a brand new flower garden, […]

Reflections of Eden
·The rain stopped a few minutes ago, but the sky is still dark and I’m wondering if there’s more. When storms come, whether they be rain or wintry storms, I think about those who are homeless and wish better things for them–comfort and safety, a warm and dry place to be. I wish that […]

The Old Well Curb
·I love the times my family fills my house and I hear the children’s laughter. I love company, for that matter, visiting with friends or family. More often, my house is far too quiet. I don’t need to search out a quiet spot to sit and think because the whole house is just that. As […]

The Garden
“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed…And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis 2:8; 3:8). I wonder if that’s why gardens hold such an attraction, the fact that a […]