It must have been because of the moon. The flower moon, full and close to the earth must have had a powerful pull on me yesterday, because I went for a long walk. The day was sunny with just enough nip in the air to be energizing. Seeing a couple of neighbors along the […]

A Strawberry in the Sky
·Did you see that beautiful, pink strawberry sailing through the night skies last night? June’s full moon is called the strawberry moon. It is particularly lovely when it shines down on still, tranquil Little Sand Lake. And, the fire pot? It invites folk to come sit a spell and enjoy the serenity of […]

·Did anybody wind up moonstruck after gazing at that spectacular full moon last night? I sincerely hope not, or if you did, I hope it was only a fleeting malady and you were normal once you dragged your eyes away from the dazzling heavenly scene. Many songs, poems, and stories center around the moon and its […]

That Old Mysterious, Magical Moon
·The sturgeon or green corn moon is here! This is a beautiful moon, worth watching. The names for full moons occurring at different times through the year are interesting. Early day people named them for good reasons, long ago when we lived closer to nature. The moon exerts a pretty powerful pull on the earth, causing the tides. […]
Bright Moon, White Moon
·The full moon shines a white path down my street this morning. What is there about moonlight that makes a familiar world appear mysterious? The lunar night-light is certainly the subject of many songs, poems, and stories, and inspired the title of my current mystery, the one I’m working on, called Moonlight Can Be Murder. Each […]