What a Short Day!

Happy first day of winter and the shortest day of the year! For those of you who are counting (and I know you are out there) the days will very slowly begin to lengthen now until around March 21, they’ll be equal in length to the nights again. Isn’t that great? My mother didn’t like […]

That Was a Long Time Ago!

That Was a Long Time Ago!

    Yesterday was a this and that sort of day. My grandson asked me to make fudge, so I did–the old-fashioned kind that’s fun to do, the chocolatey concoction bubbling on the stove and filling the kitchen with a delicious aroma. But, before that…in fact, on Friday, I went to my favorite antique store […]

The Calm After the Storm

The Calm After the Storm

Yesterday was the calm after an exceedingly stormy night. In checking with my friends in Oklahoma, I found that a tornado had roared through mighty close to my childhood home and not far from my mother’s home at Etta. It had torn up a boat marina on Tenkiller Lake and destroyed the homes of several […]

Rain and Perfect Strangers

Rain and Perfect Strangers

The clouds in the west gathered force and moved toward me as I set out on a quest for a car dealership yesterday. The brochure in the mail gave the address so why couldn’t I find it? Surely it was a large establishment proudly proclaiming all kinds of beautiful automobiles. I’m sure it was there […]

Simple Things

“Joys come from simple and natural things; mists over meadows, sunlight on leaves, the path of the moon over water.”                                                                       […]