I have a sun dial in my flower garden. On it is an inscription from a poem by Robert Browning, “Grow Old Along With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be.” I’ve always liked that line. I suppose Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a wonderful marriage and did grow old together. Some of us […]
Stormy Weather
·The storm clouds drew closer. I was in the back yard and Peg was in her side yard and we talked over the fence. When an uncontrollable something threatens, friendships take on new meaning. We wished each other a safe night and talked about where in our houses were the safe places. We’d retreat there, […]
A Memory of Yesterday
·As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]
The Older I Get
·The older I get, the more I wonder about some things and the less I think about others. The older I get, the more I wonder how I got to be this old so quickly and what happened to the years? I understand now the phrase time flies. It seems to. It seems to […]