A Cat and His Man A Flight of Fancy by Blanche Day Manos Fred the cat was happy in the tumbledown, comfortable house he shared with Jake. He liked the soft feel of the worn floor and the way that floor squeaked when Jake shuffled across it. He liked the sag in the ceiling and […]
Walking Home
When my mother was a little girl, she walked to visit friends. When it came time for her to go home, her friend would walk her part way. Then, Mom would turn and walk her friend back. I don’t know how long they kept doing this, but, I’m sure, for two little girls, it was […]

Bea, the Lucky Kitten
She has to have a guardian angel whose specialty is looking after homeless waifs. No one knows where she actually came from, so I’ll start by telling what we do know. A dear friend of mine first became aware of her on a drive into Tahlequah when she and her daughter heard a kitten mewing. […]
When Three Friends Put Their Heads Together
“It’s too warm for early spring,” Bertha said as she, Carrie and Miss Tootsie sat at their favorite table in Bonnie’s Bakery. Carrie sipped her coffee. “It may be too warm, but I’ll take this kind of weather to the damp, chilly days we’ve been having.” “How about a refill, ladies?” Bonnie asked, stopping by […]
Eight Years Ago
Things change through the years, don’t they? Hopes are not realized or take a different path, kind of like a rocket aiming for the moon but veering off course. People change, groups and ambitions change. Yet, we rise with each new morning, hoping for the best for a new day, a new year, a new […]
When Courage is a Must
This is another rainy morning and earlier, it was a rainy, stormy morning with thunder booming around the clouds. My pal Nemo the Furry One is not a fan of storms. Since his hearing is almost non-existent, he isn’t afraid of those loud sounds any more, but I’m convinced that he feels atmospheric change or […]