Today’s post is my opinion on what I see happening. My opinion is the only one I have. If you think it may offend you, please read no further. I am more than a little concerned about all the dissent around us. None of us remembers the American Civil War. Even our great-grandparents were born […]

His Name Was Clint
His name was Clinton Lee Day. He was my oldest nephew, Mom and Dad’s first grandchild and we thought he was pretty special. He was slim and quick and had a laugh that made everyone around him want to laugh too. When he grew up, he joined the Marines. He looked very handsome in his […]

Armistice Day!
·It was a different kind of world in 1918. Woodrow Wilson was our 28th President. Postage stamps were two cents, a loaf of bread cost a dime and a gallon of gasoline was eight cents. An epidemic of Spanish flu ravaged the country, causing more than 500,000 deaths. Some of the popular songs were Over […]

Elections and Coffee
·Come on in and share a cup of coffee with me. Today is that long-awaited election day. Whatever the outcome, I’m glad I live in a country where I can vote as I like. Tomorrow I hope I have just as many friends as I do today. So, let’s talk about coffee. Do you remember […]

Would You Have Signed?
·It took courage to pen their names to this document asserting that thirteen colonies were breaking away from the most powerful government in the world, but there were fifty-six men from these thirteen colonies who dared. “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge […]