As a rousing way to celebrate Labor Day and the last holiday of summer,, Amazon, and I are offering the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery as a free ebook. Two days only! September 2 and September 3. Just click on this link: Grave Heritage. Happy Reading! During the rainiest July on record for […]

One-Two-Three, It’s Still Free
·I feel like the Count on Sesame Street. One-Two-Three, It’s Still Free! Three! Three more days of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon being a free ebook on Amazon. My publishers really want you to take a look at this second Ned McNeil book, so that’s why they are offering it free–sort of […]

Four Fabulous Free Days
·FREE BOOK ALERT! Fetch a free By the Fright of the Silvery Moon Kindle here! TELL A FRIEND! Everybody loves a bargain and through June 2, the second book in the Ned McNeil moonlight series is free as a kindle book on Amazon. Be sure to order yours, tell a friend, and enjoy the exploits of […]

Five Fabulous Days of Free Reading
·What do you get when you start with an indomitable, adventuresome heroine who just happens to live in a house with a pretty interesting past, add a deserted church, a legend of an old-time, ruthless outlaw, and plunk the whole thing down in a small, rural town in Oklahoma? You get By the Fright of […]

The Excitement Continues
·The excitement surrounding Darcy and Flora continues. Thanks to all those who pre-ordered Grave Heritage from my publisher yesterday. Remember, ordering from the Pen-L site will give you a chance to win a free, autographed copy. You can tell me how you want your book inscribed, I’ll inscribe and send it to you. Pre-orders run from […]