A man’s voice came clearly to my ears: “I tell you, there’s no use in tramping through these miserable woods looking for their bodies. Nobody could survive going down this hill at the speed they went over. Come on, let’s go.” The crashing in the underbrush grew louder. From my hiding place, all I could […]

Free Book Greets Summer
·Today is the first day of summer! Enjoy these warm, lovely days even more with a shivery cozy mystery. Grave Heritage, the fourth cozy in the Darcy and Flora series, is free today and tomorrow. It’s the rainiest July in Levi, Oklahoma’s history. A stranger in town is murdered. Darcy and Flora’s lives are threatened. […]

Spring’s Last Fling
·Do you know what today is? It’s the last day of spring 2020! Tomorrow, summer begins. So, we should celebrate, have a spring fling, throw a virtual party, or something. Me? Well, tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll celebrate summer’s arrival by offering one of the Darcy and Flora books free from Amazon! Watch for it. I’ve […]

A Valentine’s Gift for You
·Change is the spice of life, isn’t it? Sometimes, it’s nice to do things a little differently–take critiques, for instance. Instead of our usual meeting place, which is my house, Nancy, Peg, Jane, and I met at our favorite restaurant. We missed Carolyn who couldn’t make it. In between devouring bites of cheeseburgers and […]