Jane’s house looked beautiful, all decked out for Christmas. And, the friends who gathered there for her luncheon yesterday arrived in a jolly Christmas spirit. The food was great, conversation, lively. It was a perfect way to celebrate, lunching with a lively group of women. Peg and I arrived first, Anita came in after us, […]

Strawberries, Sugar, and Cream
Curly-locks! Curly-locks! Wilt thou be mine? Thou shalt not wash dishes, nor yet feed the swine; But sit on a cushion, and sew a fine seam, and feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream! This nursery rhyme is from long ago, maybe in the days of King Charles and written as a satire, but […]

Stay Alert and Trim and Fit
You may have read this rhymed story before today, on a previous post, or, if you subscribed to Turtle Magazine in 1990, you may have read it in the August issue. This morning, I got up thinking of how joy is essential in a person’s life and, of course, if we feel well, it’s […]

Shades of Deep Purple and Lighter Tones Too
·When Peg came into my living room singing, Deep Purple, I knew that it would be a particularly rollicking critique, and it was! Fun and informative–that’s the Cozy Critters. Since this was our last critique before Valentine’s Day, we had a Valentine motif. The sweet theme included Valentine cookies, pecan tartlets, and bits of chocolate […]

What Strange Sights Did the Moon See?
·The moon, shining down on Granger’s Mansion, saw some strange and puzzling sights. What, for example, was the animal who stopped by one moonlit night to pay Ned McNeil a visit? But, long before that, what were the strange things that went on in the moonlight which were furtive and secret and had an effect […]