Sometimes when I’m tired or just want to relax, I pour a cold glass of buttermilk. It refreshes like no other drink. My family, sadly, does not share my enthusiasm for buttermilk. But, I inherited the taste for it from a long line of ancestors–southern, that is. When my mother was a child, the farm […]
‘Twas the Day Before
Here it is–the day before Thanksgiving! The house will be full of the aroma of pumpkin pie, cornbread dressing, and cranberry cheese bread! Then, tomorrow the family will gather around my mother’s hundred-year old table, thankful for the Lord’s blessings. The biggest blessing of all is family and friends and the love we share. My […]

In An Icebox
·Brrr and double brrr. It’s a white world outside, just enough snow to cover things and a few lazy flakes still drifting down. Temperature? Well, it’s shivering somewhere around thirteen degrees and I feel like I’m in an icebox. The thermometer sank two degrees in about three minutes last night. However, the biting cold didn’t […]
A Sweet Close to an Old Year
I can think of no better way to end an old year or begin a new year than with my family. My creative daughter-in-law had gingerbread house kits on the table. She also had a yummy spread of finger foods on the counter. We ate and then put together some of the sweetest little houses […]

What’s Thanksgiving to You?
·The maple in the front yard is looking wet, brown, and droopy. Leaves are scattered across the lawn. A light rain falls. It looks like Thanksgiving, but it doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving. It’s too warm. And, how is Thanksgiving supposed to be feel? Colder, maybe a few snowdrifts heaped here and there. That’s my mental […]

A Muffin for Breakfast
I had planned to bake them for a long time. Something always stood in my way. Last time, I’d already started and realized I didn’t have enough flour. I substituted corn meal, but it didn’t work. So, yesterday, I checked supplies and realized I could give it a second try. I wanted to bake my […]